
Entity Definition

Logical Name : TillTenderHistory(Superceded)
Physical Name : LE_HST_TL_TND

A collection of tender type accumulators by till for the period of time bounded by TillSettlementTransaction entities. This is a decomposition of the till tender totals in the TillHistory by tender type.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
TillID (FK)(PK) The unique identifier for the TENDER RESPOSITORY. ID_RPSTY_TND Identity integer TillSettlementDocument(LE_HST_TL)
TenderTypeCode (FK)(PK) A code which uniquely identifies the type of tender, ie cash, check, credit card, etc. TY_TND Code varchar(20) Tender(AS_TND)
TransactionID (FK)(PK) A universally unique identifier (UUID) for the Transaction. This may be assembled from alternate key members. ID_TRN IdentityUUID char(32) TillSettlementDocument(LE_HST_TL)
TotalTenderMediaCount The total number of tender media units by TILL for each for each period bounded by TillSettlementTransactions.. QU_MD_TND_TOT QuantityTransactionCount decimal(7,0)
TotalTenderMediaOverCount The number of tender media overage units by TILL for each for each period bounded byTillSettlementTransactions QU_MD_TND_OVR_TOT QuantityTransactionCount decimal(7,0)
TotalTenderMediaShortCount The number of tender media underage units in the TILL for each for each period bounded by TillSettlementTransactions. QU_MD_TND_SHRT_TOT QuantityTransactionCount decimal(7,0)
TotalBeginningTenderMediaUnitCount The opening balance of tender media units for each for each period bounded by TillSettlementTransactions QU_MD_BGN_TND QuantityTransactionCount decimal(7,0)
TotalTenderLoanMediaUnitCount The total number of tender media units loaned to the TILL for each period bounded by TillSettlementTransactions. QU_MD_TND_LN_TOT QuantityTransactionCount decimal(7,0)
LoanMediaTotalAmount The total monetary amount of tender loaned TO the TILL for each period bounded by TillSettlementTransactions CP_MD_TND_LON MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
PickupMediaUnitCount The total number of tender media units picked up FROM the TILL for each period bounded by TillSettlementTransactions. QU_MD_TND_PKP_TOT QuantityTransactionCount decimal(7,0)
PickupMediaTotalAmount The total monetary amount of tender picked up FROM the TILL for eachfor each period bounded by TillSettlementTransactions. CP_MD_TND_PKP_TOT MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
DepositTotalAmount The total number of tender media units deposited by TILL for each for each period bounded by TillSettlementTransactions CP_DS_TND_TOT MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
DepositMediaUnitCount The number of tender media units deposited by TILL for each for each period bounded by TillSettlementTransactions. QU_MD_TND_DS_TOT QuantityTransactionCount decimal(7,0)
OverTotalAmount The total amount of overage recorded by TILL for each for each period bounded by TillSettlementTransactions. Overage reflects a tender count that is more than the tender count summed from individual retail transactions between TillSettlementTransaction entities. CP_TND_OVR_TOT MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
ShortTotalAmount The total amount of underage recorded by TILL. for each for each period bounded by TillSettlementTransactions. Underage reflects a tender count that is less than the tender count summed from individual retail transactions between TillSettlementTransaction entities. CP_TND_SHRT_TOT MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
TotalTenderOpenAmount The monetary amount of the opening balance of the TILL for a period bounded by TillSettlementTransactions. The opening balance is the derived closing balance for the prior TillTenderHistory entity type instance. MO_BLNC_OPN_TND Money decimal(16,5)
TotalTenderCountedAmount The actual tender monetary value counted as part of the settlement process. MO_TOT_TND__CNT_AMT Money decimal(16,5)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
Tender is tracked by TillTenderHistory(Superceded)
TillSettlementDocument may include TillTenderHistory(Superceded)

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